

发表: 12 Dec 2020
作者: 彼得不赞美
类型: 洞察力



可能有两种方式来看待这个周年纪念日. 一方面,我们没有取得必要的进展;

  • 全球排放量持续上升,
  • And the unity of governments shown in Paris has since been tested and disrupted.


  • 自2018年政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)报告以来,目标为1.5摄氏度将排放量减半是现在的标准,
  • 许多公司已经设定了不迟于2050年实现净零排放的目标,
  • And the recommendations of the Task Force on 气候-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) have been developed.

我还记得2015年的那些日子, when WBCSD was leading work which was called the Low-Carbon Technology Partnership Initiative (LCTPi), 第21届联合国气候变化大会即将召开. 最终, more than 235 companies and 50 partners came together to work on nine big business solutions to reduce emissions, 推动政策制定者大胆行动. 商界人士出席了COP21,他表示:“我们有解决方案. If you give us a clear policy track, preferably carbon pricing, then we will accelerate”.

The Paris Agreement – combined with the ever-clearer science and mounting impacts of natural disasters – has given business that clear signal and sense of direction it needed and requested. Many companies are now adjusting their strategies to the transformations that a net zero pathway will bring.

此外, the COVID pandemic has only made clearer that collectively we were ill-prepared for the kind of shock that a global event can produce. 我们都知道,气候变化的影响可能要大得多. 我们看到更多的公司, 从能源和食品行业到汽车和科技行业, 不顾大流行的干扰,制定雄心勃勃的目标. COVID-19 has also taught us – in a hard way – that all elements are interconnected: there is no other option than thinking through solutions and their implementation in a holistic way for climate, 自然, 实现卫生与社会公平的真正体制转型.

尽管巴黎之后的缔约方会议进展缓慢, 最近,我们看到各国政府也在加紧行动, 包括加拿大, 中国, 日本和韩国, 当然还有欧洲的绿色协议. 取决于事件的展开, there is now even strong hope that the United States will return to lead the way.


把所有的承诺和目标变成现实, COP26是即将到来的重要里程碑之一, 我们需要两样东西:

  1. Companies should create operating plans to implement the solutions needed towards halving emissions within this decade. 这不仅需要CEO在公司内部发挥领导作用, 还包括各部门和跨价值链的合作.
  2. Companies need to transparently disclose their targets and plans, and report progress towards those. The recommendations of the Task Force on 气候-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and ESG developments are important to implement.

The COP26 Private Finance Strategy describes the role that TCFD can play to ensure that every financial decision takes climate change into account. 马克·卡尼, who’s leading that work as the Finance Adviser to the Prime Minister for COP26 and UN Special Envoy for 气候行动 and Finance, 在10月份的TCFD峰会上评论道:“We’re working to make sure you will have the information to take into account climate risk and very importantly climate opportunities”.

正如我在TCFD峰会上强调的那样, “we must create a capital market that rewards more sustainable businesses with a lower cost of capital and thus allocates more financial capital to the critical systems transitions ahead of us.

〇超越目标 WBCSD’s 支持领导和行动

然而, while all of this bodes well for COP26 and the level of ambition that we can bring there, 我们需要更多来加倍下注, 因为我们还远远不足以扭转全球排放曲线. 我们一直在谈论转型和设定目标, 但现在是超越雄心和目标,实现净零排放的时候了, 在接下来的十年里.

The big question on the business table is: what is the fundamental change that business can implement? 我们会怎么做?, 如果我们现在能制定议程, 在11个月后的COP26会议上作为商业解决方案? And that is what makes COP26 different from COP21 in Paris in 2015: we are not moving to the adoption of a global agreement; COP26将讨论实施问题.

In response, we have now calibrated all WBCSD programs to align with net-zero and the 1.5 .一致的野心. 2020年4月,我们启动了 SOS 1.5 to replace LCTPi as a coherent cross-cutting framework for all WBCSD activities on climate action. SOS 1.5 develops guidance for individual companies to accelerate their net-zero journey, as well as work to accelerate collective action that is required by sectors and value chains. WBCSD已取得1.5度目标是我们最新会员标准的一部分. 据我所知, we are the first business association in the world that have included net zero no later than 2050 as a criterion for companies to be a member.

此外,还增加了新的工作元素:比如 农业1.5, and the link to 自然-based solutions about which we have just launched the new report “绘制基于自然的解决方案和自然气候解决方案”, helping companies to accelerate consistent and credible actions that are positive for both climate and 自然. 自然-based solutions can help to deliver up to 37% of the solutions to achieve the Paris Agreement, and have the potential to support the 自然-loss challenges while being good for business and people. 很高兴看到COP26领导人也意识到了这一点, visible through climate change and 自然 being the two key focus areas of the upcoming climate conference.

总而言之,这不仅关乎气候,也关乎系统性转型. 这不仅仅是商业问题. 企业可以发挥重要作用,发出强有力的声音,我们应该利用这一点. But we really should also use COP26 to build renewed collaboration with governments and the investor community, 还有公民社会, 因为只有共同努力,我们才能实现规模化.

Should you wish to take part in our collective call to action, we have put together the 下面的视频 to galvanize ambition and showcase the voice of business as a force for good for climate.

所以今天, we should briefly “celebrate” the progress that has been made since and thanks to the Paris Agreement. 然而, thereafter we should continue to focus on making the necessary transition real and fast in 2021.

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