







开展业务的方式正在演变, as are the wide array factors that can help or hinder a company’s performance and success.

十年前, the top global risks in terms of impact included only one risk related to environmental, 社会或治理(ESG)因素. 但是今天, ESG risks account for most of the world’s top risks in terms of impact and likelihood, according to the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report.

考虑到这种快速转变, many companies have faced crises that arise from ignoring ESG risks or opportunities.

“黑天鹅”事件比以往更加频繁和严重. Companies are finding that in order to remain resilient against new risks and seize new opportunities, 他们需要迅速采取行动.

正规博彩十大网站排名管理公司也在迎头赶上. 上个月,欧洲最大的正规博彩十大网站排名管理公司Amundi发布了一份报告 new research into the impact of ESG criteria on investment portfolio performance. 它显示了两件事. Firstly, institutional investors are boosting activity around active and passive ESG investing. Secondly, investments that incorporate ESG criteria outperform those who did not.

This is the beginning of the transformation, and it goes far beyond the concept of risk. Today’s businesses are dealing with completely different notions of “value” — whether they realize it or not.


90年代以前, 80 percent of a company’s value was found in tangible assets such as plants, 财产和设备. 现在, 高达80%的正规博彩十大网站排名是无形正规博彩十大网站排名——品牌, 的想法, 的关系, 技能和资源.

We believe that it’s in the best interest of society to help companies truly understand the 的关系 between their business models and intangibles, 还有各种各样的资本——自然, 社会, human and financial capital — because understanding the relationship should ultimately should lead to better corporate decision-making.

If executives and management have reliable and relevant information about their risk profiles in the context of the new tangibles, they’ll be more capable of making the decisions that will deliver the product and service innovations that will contribute to a flourishing society.


Manage risks, understand impacts and dependencies and use sustainable 金融.

虽然这是一个艰巨的任务, tools are out there to help companies adapt as the market shifts to reward companies who manage risks well and who pay special attention to the new tangibles.

在一起, 在一个历史性的伙伴关系中, WBCSD and the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) created the first guidance for 将企业风险管理应用于esg相关风险. The guide is designed to help organizations worldwide respond to the increasing prevalence and severity of ESG-related risks, 从极端天气事件到产品安全召回.

Companies also should make the most of innovative sustainable 金融 solutions.

Most of the world’s top companies use the original COSO framework for enterprise risk management, so supplementing it with a guidance specifically for ESG risks is an easy win for companies who already use the standard for managing their other risks. Companies should be proactive about using this approach to future-proof their business models in today’s shifting world.

此外,新推出的 社会和人力资本议定书,以及 自然资本议定书, help companies understand their impacts and dependencies on nature, 人与社会.

这很重要,因为可信, 可比较的和被广泛接受的自然方法, 社会 and human capital are essential in the transition to a more sustainable world. These tools are helping demonstrate true corporate performance to key stakeholders, while ensuring a continuous movement towards universally just employment and community practices and a healthier natural environment.

Companies around the world need to realize the benefits of better understanding their interactions with nature, 人与社会, 以及他们为所有利益相关者创造的真正价值.

Finally, companies also should make the most of innovative sustainable 金融 solutions. 通过可持续投资的进步, 企业可以降低债务成本,提高回报. 奥兰, 达能和菲利普斯, 例如, have linked ESG performance to loan prices and interest rates, 与ING合作, 法国巴黎银行等.

除了降低他们的资金成本, companies who consider ESG risks and opportunities also benefit from better access to financing, customer satisfaction and loyalty and better employee relations.

How do we move beyond the sustainability department to the whole company?  

与风险合作, 合规, HR, 金融, investor relations and sustainability professionals will be key for implementing the kinds of solutions needed to improve decision-making and move towards more sustainable outcomes.

The CFO and investor community also have a crucial and pivotal role to play in responding to these changes, 收集, processing and acting on information that is critical to their success, 使领导者能够在新的商业环境中茁壮成长.

The discourse must shift to include each of these elements: new risks; new opportunities; the new tangibles; and the role of the CFO and investor.

The first step is reaching out to folks in different departments. After all, good business always involves a frank conversation.

这篇文章最初发布于 http://www.greenbiz.com/