正规博彩十大网站排名 from the first module of the 领导 Program 2022

发表: 2022年5月9日
作者: Despina Anastasiou
类型: 洞察力

The 2022 WBCSD 领导 Program kicked off with 38 leaders from 26 participating companies across the world. Coming from different industries and backgrounds, it was clear that the group was united by a shared belief in 正规博彩十大网站排名 as a catalyst for 创新, 破坏和价值创造.

今年的模块1, convened at IMD Business School in Lausanne, 瑞士, raised awareness on a range of topics, 从正规博彩十大网站排名战略, 创新, leadership all the way to non-market strategies and WBCSD’s 2050年正规博彩十大网站. We had a variety of speakers from the academic world, 来自商业(芬美意), 全球最大, 雀巢, 罗氏公司, Yara)和WBCSD.

Offering a unique platform to reflect on transformative leadership, this first meeting of the 领导 Program enabled the group to work on personal self-awareness and learning styles, with a view to playing a bigger role in leading change. Here is the perspective from one of the participants, Despina Anastasiou.

飞机, 火车和汽车, we were all so mindful of our carbon footprint, yet all so grateful to have been selected and supported to gather in Lausanne, 瑞士 for Module 1 of this enriching WBCSD 领导 Program. 我们这周的重点是 背景下的正规博彩十大网站排名. For many, this was our first serious travel since the pandemic. 对所有, it represented a valuable opportunity to meet a diverse group of professionals across many industries committed to driving positive impact. 我们到了,准备好了!

I have a rich and varied tenure at my company 陶氏 and have held many leadership roles over the years. 然而, the rapid shifts that have occurred in the areas of sustainability, 脱碳,更广泛地说, 正规博彩十大网站排名, has meant that t在这里 is so much to learn. 这是一个快速变化的环境. Collaboration and leveraging best practices will be key for all.

提醒WBCSD教育团队, 聚集了受人尊敬的学者, experts and business leaders for us; leaders who challenged and inspired us on strategy, 创新, 设计思考, 数字, 道德…,举几个例子. 都是同等价值的. I particularly appreciated that the messages were personal, challenging us to reflect and internalize how we will individually and collectively choose to move forward and align our actions to our purpose.

This was an intense and invigorating week. Group discussions took place with refreshing candor and well beyond the classroom; trust was built and the shared purpose that united us (albeit via our company’s membership) has strengthened us. We are a formidable force committed to using our respective sp在这里s of influence for greater good. I am proud to be amongst this esteemed group.

I cannot wait to immerse myself in the project work and the future Modules.

Despina Anastasiou博士.D.
Global Business 发展 Director – Corporate

The WBCSD 领导 Program welcomes the following member companies in its 2022 cohort: ABB, 埃森哲咨询公司, 安迅能, Arcadis, 人看到, Ayala, 拜耳, 宝马集团, 雪佛龙公司, 陶氏, 埃奈尔, EY, Firmenich, 美好的一年, 日立, 全球最大, 敌我识别, 毕马威(KPMG), 米其林, 马来西亚国家石油公司, 普华永道, 荷兰合作银行, 壳牌, 索尔维, 此外, 和雅苒. 参与者将浏览复杂的, interdisciplinary topics that constitute the systems transformations needed for a net-zero, nature-positive and equitable future. To learn more about the 领导 Program, 请点击 在这里 或联络Suzanne Feinmann (feinmann@blinetrucking.com).

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