





欧洲理事会最近通过的 《正规博彩十大网站》 标志着欧洲环境政策的关键时刻. This regulation aims to restore degraded ecosystems across the European Union (EU) through legally binding targets and measures.  

一个地球生物多样性事业(OP2B) members have taken strong commitments to scale regenerative agricultural practices and restore ecosystems while eliminating deforestation and conversion from their supply chains. These companies advocated for a strong and ambitious EU nature restoration law that supports agriculture toward nature restoration. They drove consideration for the great potential of regenerative agri-食物 systems to contribute to delivering the EU’s climate objectives and reversing nature loss. 

自然恢复法非政府组织联盟(包括世界自然基金会), 欧洲环境局, BirdLife and ClientEarth) and the Corporate Leaders Group Europe used their collaborative efforts to strongly advocate for this policy’s adoption. 


欧盟委员会提出的法规旨在解决生物多样性丧失问题, 欧盟内部的生态系统退化和气候变化. 总体目标是增强生态系统的复原力, support biodiversity recovery and contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts across Europe.  

It sets out legally binding targets for restoring degraded ecosystems across terrestrial, 沿海, 淡水和海洋环境到2030年和2050年. These targets include specific measures such as the restoration of at least 20% of EU land and sea areas and the removal of river barriers to restore free-flowing rivers. It also mandates the reversal of pollinator population declines and sets indicators for biodiversity in agricultural and forest ecosystems.  


这对整个欧盟的农业实践都有直接影响. 通过强制实施国家恢复计划和严格的监测要求, the regulation encourages farmers and agricultural businesses to adopt regenerative practices. This shift towards sustainable agriculture aligns with broader environmental goals but presents initial challenges in terms of compliance costs and operational adjustments. 然而, 它还为农业技术的创新开辟了道路, 生物多样性保护和可持续土地管理做法. 


Key industries will have substantial regulatory changes affecting them including agriculture, 食物, 饮料, 化妆品及纺织品. Compliance necessitates businesses aligning their operations with biodiversity and ecosystem health goals, 潜在影响采购, 生产和供应链.  

While these adjustments may initially involve higher costs and administrative challenges, they also offer frontrunner companies opportunities for distinguishing themselves in the market through sustainable practices. 此外, proactive adaptation to these new environmental standards can bolster long-term resilience for supply chains and enhance competitiveness within the EU market, 将公司定位为正规博彩十大网站排名和创新的领导者. 



L’OCCITANE en Provence supported the launch and ongoing efforts of the non-profit association Agroécologie et Commerce Équitable (Agroecology and Fair Trade) that comprises 15 family-run farms producing L’OCCITANE’s iconic ingredients across several production areas (e.g.(普罗旺斯和科西嘉):薰衣草,杏仁,马鞭草,不朽草,玫瑰和凯德. The initiative aims to address two major technical challenges faced by producers; creating viable livelihoods and the ability to scale up farming sustainably, and training and support for testing and implementing agroecology practices such as intercropping and reduction of pesticide use.  

通过王牌, L’OCCITANE en Provence is supporting the shift towards more sustainable practices that contribute to ecosystem restoration and climate change mitigation, thereby enhancing the sustainability and resilience of its value chains in the long term. 通过公共和私营部门的联合力量, 在其价值链内外, L’OCCITANE is continuously building a future that generates benefits for all – business, 农民与地球.  

“绿色 & 薰衣草”计划  

自2019年以来, 欧舒丹普罗旺斯一直在支持普罗旺斯薰衣草捐赠基金, 赞助“绿色环保” & 薰衣草”计划 whose target is to reduce fossil fuel energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the lavender and lavandin industries by 50% by 2030.  

绿色 & Lavandes comes up with specific solutions to reduce the impact of lavender cultivation and facilitate the adaptation and resilience of this plant to climate change. 该项目参与土壤改良, climate action and biodiversity restoration hand in hand with 27 farmers of the lavender sector, accompanying a significant part of them through agroecological and agroforestry training and financial support.  

Focusing on soil covering could involve planting wheat or spelt in between rows of lavenders – which helps to regulate the ground temperature, 储存碳,创造一个抵御害虫的天然屏障. In FY2022, a total of 180 hectares of lavender fields were sown with vegetation cover. Another achievement is the funding of the supply of 66 “bee-hunter” kits that aims to protect bees from being sucked in by harvesters. 在收获的第一周,每棵装备的作物可以节省400美元,000只蜜蜂,相当于10个蜂箱. 

您想了解更多关于OP2B在欧洲政策下的工作吗? 联系卡斯珀·祖林姆·斯沃特(zulimdeswarte@blinetrucking.com).